This morning, the very charming Guilluame Fardel flashed his smile at the soldiers by the Deir al-Ghusun gate, told a little lie, and got us through the gate and into the seam zone. We were therefore able to spend the whole morning with farmers from Deir al-Ghusun - drinking tea, visiting families in Arab Israeli villages, farming, and drinking more tea. It was a thoroughly enjoyable way to spend a clear and sunny morning.
Back to the gate where trouble awaits
Returning home around noon proved a lot more tricky than getting into the seam zone though. The soldiers were very displeased that we had been able to pass earlier in the morning. They spent a good half hour checking with their superiors if we could go back. In the end, they let us go, with our promise never to do it again without coordinating with the District Command Office beforehand. I have a strong feeling that we will never be able to pass again for as long as this particular unit serves at the gate...
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